All results for "jail"

Medication for Opioid Use Disorder (MOUD) in the Allegheny County Jail
This dashboard shows the current population of people who are receiving MOUD in the jail. as well as associated outcomes before and after their release. Data from 2021-present and updated weekly.

Children of Incarcerated Parents
Allegheny County sought to update a 2008 analysis examining the demographics and needs of children who have had a parent incarcerated at the Allegheny County Jail. There are other children […]

Frequent Utilizers of Services in Allegheny County
What are these reports about? Nationally and locally, policymakers and practitioners are interested in the people who frequently use publicly funded services, particularly crisis services. Most people who use crisis […]

Safety and Justice Challenge: Reports from Allegheny County
Allegheny County was awarded a grant to reduce the Jail population by 20%. This series of annual reports describes the first 3 years of the project.

Calculating Unit Costs: A Resource for Justice System Decision-Making and Policy Analysis
Allegheny County completed a cost analysis of parts of the criminal justice system, including the cost of an arrest, the cost per day of incarceration, and the cost per day of probation supervision.

Allegheny County Jail Population Decreases During COVID-19
During the pandemic, the Allegheny County Jail released eligible older and health-compromised individuals and low-risk individuals awaiting trial. This data brief explores the decrease of the Jail population and the recidivism of people who were released.

Population of the Allegheny County Jail: Interactive Dashboard
Data available from 2018 to the present. Updated daily.

Public Defense at Preliminary Arraignments Associated with Reduced Jail Bookings and Decreased Disparities
In Allegheny County, a preliminary arraignment is a defendant’s first court appearance, during which a judge notifies the defendant of their charges and a bail determination is made. Defendants are […]

Women in the Allegheny County Criminal Justice System
This report describes women in the Allegheny County criminal justice system with a goal of better understanding the population by exploring their demographics and human services history. The analysis describes […]

Allegheny County Jail Collaborative Annual Report, 2018-2019
The Allegheny County Jail Collaborative is an alliance of government agencies and nonprofit groups dedicated to addressing the needs of people returning to the community after leaving the Allegheny County […]

Arrest Trends in the City of Pittsburgh
Analysis of arrests over time provides valuable insights about a city and its changing crime trends and law enforcement policies. This series of three reports uses data from the City […]

Naloxone Distribution in the Allegheny County Jail to Prevent Overdose: Data Brief
In 2016, the Allegheny County Jail began offering naloxone, a life-saving medication that rapidly reverses opioid overdose, to people exiting the jail. Since then, the jail has distributed over a […]

Allegheny County Jail Collaborative Annual Report, 2016-2017
The Allegheny County Jail Collaborative is a group of government agencies, nonprofit organizations, volunteers and community members who are committed to improving the transition of people returning to the community […]

Risk Classification in the Allegheny County Jail
A new and improved security risk classification system was recently implemented in the Allegheny County Jail. Each inmate is assessed through the use of a validated tool and assigned a […]

Evaluation of the Allegheny County Jail Collaborative Reentry Programs
Prepared by: Urban Institute Click to read the full report.