All results for "homelessness"

Improving Prioritization of Housing Services: Implementation of the Allegheny Housing Assessment (AHA) and the Mental Health Allegheny Housing Assessment (MH-AHA)
New information added. Since 2017, DHS has used data driven models to support prioritization of housing resources. Read more about their development and deployment in the homelessness and behavioral health systems.

Point-in-Time Count of People Experiencing Homelessness: Annual Reports
Each year, Allegheny County participates in a national census of the number of people experiencing homelessness on a single night. The Point-in-Time count enumerates people experiencing homelessness in the County who are sheltered, unsheltered or participating in a short-term, supportive housing program.

Families using emergency shelters in Allegheny County
This data brief focuses on families using emergency shelter in Allegheny County from April 2022-March 2023

People using adult-only emergency shelters in Allegheny County
A data brief on people using adult-only emergency shelters in Allegheny County from April 2022-March 2023

Trends in people experiencing sheltered and unsheltered homelessness: Interactive Dashboard
This dashboard shows trends in the number of people experiencing sheltered and unsheltered homelessness. What is this dashboard about? This dashboard displays: 1) the number of people who were active […]

Who are the people experiencing unsheltered homelessness?
The Allegheny County Department of Human Services’ (DHS) street outreach team works with people who are experiencing unsheltered homelessness, offering them immediate in-person support and help with basic needs, while […]

Frequent Utilizers of Services in Allegheny County
What are these reports about? Nationally and locally, policymakers and practitioners are interested in the people who frequently use publicly funded services, particularly crisis services. Most people who use crisis […]

A Bumpy but Worthwhile Ride: data-driven efforts to improve housing coordination for people experiencing homelessness
Allegheny County established a coordinated entry system to prioritize the most vulnerable homeless clients to get them into housing as quickly as possible.

Veterans in Allegheny County’s Homeless Services System
The number of Veterans entering homeless assistance programs in Allegheny County consistently declined from 2014 through 2018. This report looks at details on demographics, housing program types and involvement with other County services.

Survey of Families Using Homelessness Case Management Program Finds Satisfaction — and Preference for Texting as a Survey Method
The Homeless Services and Supports Coordination (HSSC) program, implemented by the Allegheny County Department of Human Services in 2013, provides comprehensive service coordination for families who use emergency homeless shelters. […]

People Using Homelessness Programs: Interactive Dashboard
The dashboard below displays data about homelessness programs in Allegheny County and the clients using them. Data comes from the Allegheny County Homeless Management Information System (HMIS). Data is available […]

How Youth Flow In and Out of Homeless Services (2017)
This infographic depicts the flow of homeless youth in and out of Allegheny County’s homeless service system in 2017. Analyzing the housing services that youth used — in addition to the […]

How Youth Flow In and Out of Homeless Services (2016)
This infographic depicts the flow of homeless youth in and out of Allegheny County’s homeless service system. Analyzing the housing services that youth used — in addition to the places […]

Allegheny County YOUth Count 2016
The Allegheny County YOUth Count survey was initiated in 2015 to gain a more accurate count of youth experiencing housing instability. Data gathered was meant to enhance yearly HUD-required Point-in-Time […]